Monday, July 14, 2008

He will be my husband...

I have a continual be loved, to find and hold onto my 'soul mate'. yes, I do believe in it. My marriage did not turn me away from love, from holding and being held by my true love. It is so deep, this burning inside my soul to be the helpmate of the one God has already chosen for me.
I don't just want to be married for me, but for my children as well. I desire for them to know what a marriage should be, a true example of how God intended it. It is real, I know it.
I know, I know...I was just recently divorced...that doesn't stop my heart from believing - from knowing the direction God is moving me.
There are some specifics that I am praying to be found in 'him', but those will remain secret - between myself and my God. He knows my heart, He gave me those desires. They are real and valid. I have been on several dates and most of them just aren't even close...
One thing I know for sure is that I can't search for 'him'...God will bring my prince to me. I say 'prince' because I know I am a princess in the kingdom of God and he must be a prince - and of course, yes, as well as my 'knight in shining armour'! I am a 'hopeful romantic' as a friend of mine puts it! Hoping in the reality that exists but patiently waiting on my God to provide. He will when we are both ready to meet each other. I look forward, with my whole heart, to understanding how amazing 'true love' endures, how it explodes from within and builds from the beginning.

To sum it up...I believe in love, in true love that raptures the soul, that wakens all senses and will birth butterflies to the end of time. It will happen...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm with you. You have touched me with your blogs...I've cried and laughed