Thursday, July 10, 2008

Harleigh's teeth...

As I gave the dentist office ALL my money, I walked out with the joy that I paid with cash and that I have to again begin saving for Harleigh's next visit in January. Not to mention that I was advised to begin saving for 5 years old, they can already tell that she will need braces. She has a small mouth, obviously not a trait she inheritated from her mother...and her teeth are crowded.
Speaking of those pretty pearls...she lost her first tooth this past week. I got to play 'Tooth Fairy". As I was so sweety reminded, "mommy, the tooth fairy is a tiny mouse". I winked and giggled....I wish I was tiny. =) and some times I squeak, but it depends on my shoes. It was A LOT of fun leaving her $2 under her pillow. So stinkin' cute when she boundd down the stairs with money in hand....which was after she was mad because she couldn't find it and thought I didn't call the tiny mouse in time. After losing it several times due to her curious little brothers, she has placed that money in a very safe place!
So, my cash envelopes have expanded. I now have them set aside for things such as a place of our own, first plane ride to the moon, boob job, braces and of course to own my own Kroger one day...don't you think groceries would be cheaper?


Melanie said...

I'm going to be reading and catching up on your blog. I'm not on myspace that much any more. I do more blogging. :) Take care girl!

Michael said...

Hey Abby, you are blessed in so many ways. We love you and are always praying for you.