Thursday, May 28, 2009

surgery day

Tomorrow morning, Pizzle is having surgery to remove his Adenoids, FINALLY! um, no, I am not enjoying the fact that he is having surgery, BUT I am looking forward to him sleeping during the night. Right now, he wakes up at least once or twice every night. He doesn't breathe through his nose AT ALL. There is also some tissue the is in between his adenoids and nasal cavities that is too large. It is pretty much blocking him from using his nose. Snoring, for him, is normal.
It has taken nearly 4 months to get this surgery together. From insurance to doctor's scheduling, it seemed forever. BUT, tomorrow will start the new life of pure sleeping for him.
I get to go back there with him til he falls asleep, thankfully! He just thinks he is going to the doctor, he has no clue what is happening. How do you explain 'surgery' to a 2 year old? you can't! My precious little boy...Thank you, Lord for insurance (real insurance) to allow us to be the healthiest we can! He has been covered in prayer, so I am not concerned, at all!

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