Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Goals...big and small!!!!

Okay, let's begin this with a sigh....breathe with me...

Thrilling doesn't begin to cover it. I am overwhelmed, in a good way. I have only had my job for 8 months and am shocked to sit down and realize all that has been done. It doesn't work on paper...and by that I mean, it shouldn't have happened, but it did and it continues. I have paid off $7000 in debt in a little over a year! WOAH! I said it! UH-mazing! This time next year, I anticipate being totally debt free...and yes, I will scream at Dave Ramsey when it happens. well, not 'at' him, but surely on his radio show!!! maybe he will remember me from 2 years ago...single mom, totally engulfed in debt and not an idea of how to get out...AND now. yeah, I am pretty excited!

now, let's share my little goal reached! I purchased a new pair of glasses 3 weeks ago...paid in cash!! I saved up for them and I bought the ones I wanted! ALSO, I did it without vision insurance! I said it...

I still have a ways to go...childcare is inevitable for at least 2 more years; when JP is in school it will be like getting a raise.

I am slowly learning to count my blessings everyday...to make goals (reachable ones) and mark them off! off we go...

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