I began this blog about something else entirely but felt led to go in another direction.
What is 'grace'? Is it something we are born knowing? Is it a feeling? Well, sadly some have it and some don't. Some think they do and actually are brutally mistaken.
I have experienced the gift of true grace and have also tasted the bitterness of judgement. Awful truth, the judgement came from those that call themselves Christians.
I am a follower of Christ, but I have to understand the reality that not all 'Christians' can be trusted. When we begin to fathom the vast love of Jesus, we let go of our faith in humanity and grasp with all our might onto the endless passion Christ has for us. He died for me. He rose again for me. My dog wouldn't do that! In fact, a former Sunday School teacher wouldn't do that.
After I filed for divorce, I had some people remove themselves from me. Yes, it isn't exaggerated. They did. I confronted them (bravely, through e-mail) and questioned their actions. They responded by saying (typing) that they didn't understand my actions and without an explanation they couldn't associate themselves with me. I thought this was just a rash decision that would wash away with time. Nah. It was, again, reality.
I explained to them that I made a decision based on my relationship with Christ. He died to free us from the binds of the Old Testament Law, so that we could live under the blanket of His freedom in GRACE. I also stated that since my decision was based on my relationship with Christ, and not theirs, then if I were mistaken, I would answer to Him, not anyone else.
Four months after this e-mail interaction, they had still not even said hello to me.
I say all of this, not to blab of my hurt feelings, but to acknowledge the fact that humanity is not completely trustworthy. Our trust belongs to Christ and Christ alone.
I trust Christ, not necessarily His creation. He never said to give my all to my fellow man. He said to love my neighbor as myself - didn't say anything about trust. True love extends past hurts and misunderstandings; it extends past the ability to trust.
Those that freely walked away from me, I still love, I honestly do not have bitterness towards them. I pray that they never experience that graceless reaction from anyone, truly. That is, sadly one of the worst parts of my divorce. I saw that Christians can hurt more than the world. We must pray that people see Christ, not us...we fail, daily. We are not Him - He lives in us making us better, but not perfect.
So for those reading this...Love those around you, even when you don't understand their life. Love them. Sometimes all they might need is a smile. You don't have to agree with them to love them - just LOVE. I could break into song here, but won't. Choose love, choose grace - always grace!